• Sebastian Müller Stahl
  • Sebastian Wolligandt
  • FSC - QLB
  • Ikimasho
  • QCV
  • Rossmann
  • Jörg Vogel
  • Domani - Brautmoden


A domain is the basis for your URL (Uniform Resource Locator) so your web address to your website, virtually the address to your "web - home".


The domain consists of the domain - "desired domain that is the desired name and ends with the top-level domain -. " de "for Germany usual.

For the .de domains, DENIC is the competent registrar - in early 2009 in Germany are approximately 12.5 million de domains registered.

Domains are not case-sensitive - are allowed letters a-z and numbers 0-9, in addition, the dash - can be used. Since 2003, national characters in. com domains are allowed.

A domain is usually appropriate with a web hosting package, or Web server registered in your name and is normally valid for 12 months. Common is that the domains are automatically renewed for another 12 months if not canceled on time. For more information about domains, visit Wikipedia.





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